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Back On Track: 5 Tips For Getting Back Into A Fitness Routine

IMG 0306 300x199 Back On Track: 5 Tips For Getting Back Into A Fitness RoutineBack On Track
5 Tips For Getting Back Into A Fitness Routine
By: Taylor Ryan

A note from Mandy?

Allow me to introduce you to a new friend that I met on the internet ? the beautiful and inspirational Taylor Ryan. She contacted me out of the blue and requested an interview with me to feature on her website. After chatting with her for just a few moments, we became fast friends! (You can see the whole interview here.)

Since she is an expert in the area of fitness, I thought it would be great to feature her here to share some tips with you from the perspective a personal trainer. I?ve even been implementing her tips myself! Whether you are just starting out on a fitness routine or getting back on track from an injury or sickness, I pray that this article gives you a fresh outlook on moving your body more and thriving?

Be blessed, be healthy, and be inspired,

~ Mandy

 Back On Track: 5 Tips For Getting Back Into A Fitness Routine

Hi! Before I begin let me start off by thanking Mandy for giving me the opportunity to visit today and share my fitness passion with you. My name is Taylor Ryan and I am a certified personal trainer and blogger at Lifting Revolution.

Like Mandy, I work very hard to not only talk the talk of a health professional, but to walk the walk. I love what exercise can do for not only the physical body but the mental as well.

Mandy asked me to share some tips on getting back into exercise after taking a hiatus.

Perhaps you?ve nursed an injury, have recently recovered from illness, or maybe you just haven?t felt like working out lately. It doesn?t matter which, my advice will be the same.

1. The Toe Dipping Approach To Getting Back Into Fitness

How do you get into a swimming pool? Personally, I?m the type who eases in slowly. First, the toes, then I allow my knees to meet the water and slowly lower down until I am forced to take a deep breath and let the water passes over my belly button. It might take 2 minutes longer than my husband who prefers to canon ball in, but I feel my way is the best.

For today?s blog post, I am 100% sure it?s the best.

The biggest mistake I see people making after taking time off from the gym or getting started completely, is doing too much too soon: Canon balling in.

You set expectations for yourself to be able to pick up where you left off. And when you don?t come close to meeting those expectations you?re left feeling weak, embarrassed, disappointed, and very, very sore.

What can you do to avoid the canon ball effect? Follow these tips:

2. Forget the past and focus on today.

Avoid thoughts such as ?before, I was able to do?? Who cares. Instead, think about what you?re able to do today. You?re starting from scratch, without expectations.

Simply be thankful for the ability to be back in the workout saddle. Do not be disappointed with your performance. See it as a stepping stone towards a progressive path.

3. Patient With Recoveries

Just because you want to workout 5 days a week, doesn?t mean you should start off that way. Getting back into fitness will take a toll on your body and you might wake up a tad more sore or tired than you would expect following a workout day. Allow for proper recovery time between, even if that means taking an extra rest day.

A good rule of thumb is to start out with the goal to workout half as much as you really want to. If you intend to workout 5 days a week, start off with 2-3. As you get stronger, you can progress to 4 and then 5.

4. Don?t Neglect A Balanced Workout

It?s a common misconception that starting with just cardio is the best plan of action. Perhaps you feel that it?s important to drop a few pounds with running and increase your endurance before heading into the weight room to start a toning regiment?

The truth is that cardio and strength training work hand in hand to create a balanced workout that will deliver the most bang for your buck.

Cardio will build endurance and stamina, however strength training will work the muscles, strengthen joints and bones; increase overall metabolism and help you to burn more fat faster than cardio alone.

Start off with body weight exercises such as squats, push-ups and lunges. Your own body weight can deliver plenty of resistance to see results.

5. Listen To Your Body

This is the easiest piece of advice, yet the hardest to follow. Your body will tell you when you need to back off or when you need to push down on the gas a little more. But, you have to be willing to listen.

If something hurts, don?t do it. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, avoid it. And if you begin to get the ?oh wow, the room is spinning? feeling, then slow down, grab some water and decide if it?s time to call it a day.

At the end of each day remember to be thankful to have the ability to push your body. Your body might not enjoy it at first, but with time you will begin to feel like your old self again and ready to take on much larger challenges.

And of course make sure your doctor gives you the okay!

Good luck!

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Taylor Ryan is a NASM certified personal trainer and weight loss specialist. She lives in Charleston, SC where she runs an 8 location boot camp business. She is also the creator of the women?s online fitness studio, Fit Womens Weekly. You can get more from Taylor at her blog,Lifting Revolution.

Source: http://mandybanderson.com/back-on-track-5-tips-for-getting-back-into-a-fitness-routine

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