বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

SEAS ? EUROSEAS CfP: SEA Concepts & Approaches of Health ...

Call for Papers: EUROSEAS Panel 87

Southeast Asian Concepts and Approaches of Health and Health Care ? An exploration from different angles

Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 July 2013

Dr. Britta Galling: b.galling@uke.uni-hamburg.de
Julia Lubis: Julia_lubis@yahoo.de
Nicole Weydmann: n.weydmann@jacobs-university.de

Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 July 2013.
Please send your abstracts to the convenors until 30 November 2012.
(for more details see: http://www.euroseas.org)

Medical practice and health care are areas of confrontation between local cultural processes, national guidelines and international developments. In Southeast Asia, most societies are formed by different ethnicities. This reveals in the integration of pluralistic local medical traditions into a mostly biomedical healthcare system or their coexistence. In addition, a new market of global, alternative remedies (e.g. herbal energy products) has grown. Health-seeking behavior and beliefs about health practices deemed proper or improper are influenced by social, cultural, economical and religious aspects. In Southeast Asia, where people are confronted with poverty and income inequalities as well as social, cultural and structural changes as rapid urbanisation and an ageing population, health seekers are facing many challenges.? This panel aims to discuss the different ways in which Southeast Asian culture and societies are organized around or influenced by issues of health, health care and related issues. By debating concepts and approaches in this interdisciplinary field, this panel explicitly wants to extend understanding beyond the borders of individual disciplines. Contributions from scholars of all health-related disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, public health, medicine are welcome. Thematic clusters are possible. Key terms for thematic contributions: local, complementary and alternative medicine, mental health, psychiatry, medical technologies, globalisation, public health, stigmatization, identity.


Online registration will be open from January 2013 onwards.
Registrations until 30^th March, 2013 will benefit from the early
registration rates. The final program and the book of abstracts will
only include the names and abstracts of those who have registered to the
conference by May 15, 2013.


*Guidelines for Abstracts (this information will also be available online)*

1. Abstracts should be send by the author(s) to the convenor (s) of the panel;

2. The deadline for sending abstracts to the convenor(s) is the 30^th November 2012;

3. English is the official language of the Conference;

4. The text should not exceed 1.500 characters (including spaces). Title of the paper, name of the author(s) and affiliation must be included.

Source: http://www.seas.at/?p=5183

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