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Neustar | Benefits of Open Source Software Development | Neustar

selenium image 150x144 Technical and Marketing Benefits of Open Source Software (OSS)Is open source software development a useful strategy for business? That is an issue that is constantly being debated in online forums across the Internet.

While there are some negative perspectives that either stem from a lack of adequate documentation or the proliferation of licenses that complicate the legal uses, there are many successful open source projects that have large communities of both developer and commercial support. I believe that when there is a solid technical fit between the features and the project?s requirements?, building on top of an open source software solution is advantageous.

Engineers interested in open source software development for the web performance community may want to consider turning to Selenium, which is a browser automation toolkit licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (a free software license).? Many companies, such as Google, have implemented Selenium for their own internal use, while others have made commercial products and services based on Selenium (e.g. SauceLabs). In my opinion, the strong corporate support from Google makes Selenium unique in the open source software space, and gives it a leg up on the competition.

I have been following the Selenium community for about five years ? following Neustar?s acquisition of BrowserMob, which uses Selenium as one of its core technologies.

Marketing Open Source Software

Given the strong community of support open source software enjoys, quality open source software projects can garner a significant amount of attention.? For example, creative use of open source software can help position your organization as a thought leader, opening up opportunities to present at conferences and meet-ups.? Moreover, this is a community where well-respected community members often cite successful open source software project implementation in their own discussions and community outreach.? This third-party validation can prove useful to your organization ? and your marketing department.

Giving Back to the Community

Given that one of the biggest challenges to open source software projects is maintaining the momentum and participation of the community, it is important to contribute and give back.? This could include donating documentation or patches, preserving the original application programming interfaces and maintaining core functionality. ? Tools like GitHub and Bitbucket have proved extremely useful for increasing the collaboration on open source software projects.

In Conclusion

There are many success stories of businesses leveraging open source projects ? it is certainly something to consider when creating a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. Next time you are considering building or revamping your solution, consider the open source software development and the open source software communities and the value they can offer both technically and from a marketing perspective.

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About Ben Jones

Ben Jones has over 10 years experience working in technology with a specific interest in software engineering for web based applications. Currently, Ben has worked a Sales Engineer for over 5 years with Neustar but within that time has had the opportunity to execute professional service engagements as well as provide customer support for multiple Neustar products and services.

Source: http://blog.neustar.biz/web-performance/technical-and-marketing-benefits-of-open-source-software/

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Heroes to Heroes helps wounded US vets recover

He?d suffered from nightmares and had used alcohol to blot out depression. After leaving Iraq as a wounded soldier in 2004, Harrison Manyoma of Humble, Texas, remained haunted by his experiences, which had culminated in a roadside car bomb explosion.

And then, last year, through another veterans? program, he learned of Heroes to Heroes. The Ft. Lee, N.J.-based organization takes groups of wounded US war veterans, especially those diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, on a trip to Israel.

For Mr. Manyoma, that journey proved transformative. Over the course of the 10-day trip, taken late last summer, he connected with Israeli war vets and visited the nation?s monuments to history and religion.

RECOMMENDED: Veterans Day: How much do you know about America's heroes?

?I got to see the place where Jesus was born,? he recalls.

For him, the experiences produced an emotional bridge to healing.

?This trip was a miracle,? says Manyoma, who?d been awarded the Purple Heart. Since returning from Israel, his nightmares have disappeared. ?And I?ve gotten a sense of peace that I?d thought I?d never find again.?

Evidently, other ex-GIs have also found an emotional lifeline through Heroes to Heroes. Founded some three years ago by New Jersey resident Judy Schaffer ? who had been seeking ways to help wounded vets ? that program takes groups of traumatized US veterans on a journey meant to restore their sense of humanity and civility.

Why Israel? Many American soldiers, returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan shaken and numbed by bloody conflict, have found their communities ? and sometimes their families ? can?t relate to their condition, Ms. Schaffer says. But in Israel, she explains, much of the population has been more closely involved with war.

?These people can provide the emotional and spiritual support needed to help traumatized vets,? she says.

Veterans are recommended for the Heroes to Heroes program by their therapists and veterans? organizations. They travel as a group ? usually about 10 people at a time ? to Israel. They?re accompanied by Schaeffer and volunteer coaches, who are military veterans.

Most of the participants? expenses are covered by Heroes to Heroes. The nonprofit group is funded by private donations.

During their stay in Israel, the ex-GIs visit major religious and historical sites such as Jerusalem?s Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the cities of Nazareth and Bethlehem, and the Golan Heights. Those who wish to can even be baptized in the Jordan River.

Throughout the trip, the American vets ? so far, none of whom has been Jewish ? travel with several current and former Israeli soldiers, building bonds as they share experiences.

On the 2012 trip the group participated in a 30-minute visit with Israel?s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. During that session, the Israeli leader ?spoke to each vet individually, and he encouraged them to ask questions,? Schaffer recalls.

For the ex-GIs, it was ?a moment of awe,? she says, and a high-level ?validation? of their contributions to their country.

After returning from Israel, participants remain in Heroes to Heroes for at least a year. During that time, they stay in touch, checking up on each other through quarterly phone, Skype, or in-person get-togethers. They also regularly e-mail, both each other and the Israelis they met on their trip.

So far, Heroes to Heroes has organized two trips that have brought 20 former GIs to Israel. If donations permit it, Schaffer hopes to step up these annual journeys.

RECOMMENDED: Veterans Day: How much do you know about America's heroes?

To her, the program has already produced compelling results. She?s seen ?people who finally smile for the first time in ages,? she says. And in the welcoming environment of Heroes to Heroes, some participants have quickly emerged from their emotional shell.

For instance, one veteran from Virginia ?had been in such bad shape when he started out on the trip that he couldn?t interact well with the group and barely spoke to me,? Schaffer says. But on his fifth day in Israel, he had breakthrough. ?This 6 ft. 5 in. man walked up to me and started teasing,? she says.

From there, he began chatting with other vets and sharing his story. Among his next steps: The newly jocular ex-GI went with some of the others to get his first tattoo.

? For more information visit www.heroestoheroes.org.

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/heroes-heroes-helps-wounded-us-vets-recover-193102506.html

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In separating gun-control bills, Democrats reveal strategy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's fellow Democrats in the Senate have spread his gun-control proposals across four bills in an effort to get at least some of the less controversial measures - such as expanded background checks for gun buyers - passed into law.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote as early as Thursday on the bills, which together amount to an acknowledgement by Democrats that a ban on military-style "assault" weapons is unlikely to clear Congress.

The proposed ban on assault weapons makes up one of the four gun-control bills, all of which are likely to be approved by the Democrat-led Judiciary Committee and be considered by the full Senate, congressional aides said Tuesday.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, will decide how to package the measures for a vote on the Senate floor.

By breaking Obama's gun-control agenda into pieces, supporters hope to avoid having a less popular proposal such as the assault weapons ban contribute to the rejection of other proposals, aides said.

The proposed ban, introduced by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, has drawn opposition from Republicans and some Democrats. It will be the focus of a Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.

"We are taking a pragmatic approach that is designed to maximize our options," a senior Democratic aide said.

The four bills now before the Judiciary Committee include one introduced by Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the panel's chairman, that would crack down on illegal gun trafficking.

Another bill, by California Senator Barbara Boxer, is designed to increase school safety.

A bill, still being finalized, would call for "universal" background checks for all prospective gun buyers. Currently, only about 40 percent of buyers are screened for previous crimes or mental illness.

Feinstein's proposal, targets assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips like those used in the December 14 massacre at a school in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 20 children and six adults dead - and inspired the current action on gun control.


Wednesday's hearing is likely be the latest in a series of dramatic Capitol Hill hearings to reflect the passion surrounding the debate over gun control.

Those scheduled to testify include the father of one of the students killed in Newtown, and a doctor who was in a local emergency room when victims of the shootings were brought in.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Democrats "are trying to create political theater" with the hearing, and that there is no way an assault weapons ban will become law.

"It faces bipartisan opposition," he said.

Even so, all four of the gun-control bills are widely expected to sent to the full Senate on party-line votes of 10-8, Senate aides said.

But to clear procedural roadblocks from Republicans on the Senate floor, the measures will need 60 votes in the 100-member Senate, where Democrats and independents who support them account for 55 seats and Republicans hold 45.

There have been calls from those in both parties for expanded background checks in an effort to keep firearms out of the hands of convicted criminals and the mentally ill.

But a bipartisan deal has not yet been struck despite weeks of talks among four senators - Democrats Charles Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republicans Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Mark Kirk of Illinois.

"It is the one thing we think can really pass, and we don't yet have an agreement on it," a Senate aide said.

On Tuesday, Coburn said, "We're still talking."

(Editing by David Lindsey and Cynthia Osterman)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/separating-gun-control-bills-democrats-reveal-strategy-233554019.html

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Photos: Wheel, boy! Paralyzed herding dog gets second chance

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia in the original "Star Wars" trilogy, was briefly hospitalized due to her bipolar disorder, the actress' spokeswoman said on Tuesday after video emerged of Fisher giving an unusual stage performance. The video came from a show Fisher gave aboard a cruise ship in the Caribbean last week, according to celebrity website TMZ, which posted the clip. The clip shows Fisher, 56, singing "Skylark" and "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," at times appearing to struggle to remember the lyrics. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/photos/paralyzed-dog-gets-second-chance-slideshow/

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বুধবার, ২৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Can gaming make us more cooperative, empathic? - Daniel ...

Daphne Bavelier and Richard Davidson have a Comment in Nature today on the potential for video games to "do you good."

The authors note that video gaming has been linked to obesity, aggressiveness, and antisocial behavior, but there is a burgeoning literature showing some cognitive benefits accrue from gaming. Even though the data on these benefits is not 100% consistent (as I noted here) I'm with Bavelier & Davidson in their general orientation: so many people spend so much time gaming, we would be fools not to consider ways that games might be turned to purposes of personal and societal benefit.

Could games help to make people smarter, or more empathic, or more cooperative?

The authors suggest three developments are necessary.

  1. Game designers and neuroscientists must collaborate to determine which game components "foster brain plasticity." (I believe they really mean "changes behavior.")
  2. Neuroscientists ought to collaborate more closely with game designers. Presumably, the first step will not get off the ground if this doesn't happen.
  3. There needs to translational game research, and a path to market. We expect that some research advances (and clinical trials) of the positive effects of gaming will be made in academic circles. This work must get to market if it is to have an impact, and there is not a blazed trial by which this travel can take place.

This is all fine, as far as it goes, but it ignores two glaring problems, both subsets of their first point.

We have to bear in mind that Bavelier & Davidson's enthusiasm for the impact of gaming is coming from experiments with people who already liked gaming; you compare gamers with non-gamers and find some cognitive edge for the former. Getting people to play games is no easy matter, because designing good games is hard.

This idea of harnessing interest in gaming for personal benefit is old stuff in education. Researchers have been at it for twenty years, and one of the key lessons they've learned is that it's hard build a game that students really like and from which they also learn (as I've noted in reviews here and here.)

Second, Bavelier & Davidson are also a bit too quick to assume that measured improvements to basic cognitive processes will transfer to more complex processes. They cite a study in which playing a game improved mental rotation performance. Then they point out that mental rotation is important in fields like navigation and research chemistry.

But one of the great puzzles (and frustrations) of attempts to improve working memory has been the lack of transfer; even when? working memory is improved by training, you don't see a corresponding improvement in tasks that are highly correlated with working memory (e.g., reasoning).

In sum, I'm with Bavelier & Davidson in that I think this line of research is well worth pursuing. But I'm less sanguine than they are, because I think their point #1--getting the games to work--is going to be a lot tougher than they seem to anticipate.

Bavelier, D, & Davidson,? R. J. (2013). Brain training: Games to do you good. Nature, 494,? 425-426.

Source: http://www.danielwillingham.com/1/post/2013/02/can-gaming-make-us-more-cooperative-empathic.html

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Good Reads: Ideas for Obama, the creep of capitalism, millionaire count, work at the top

This week's round-up of Good Reads include foreign policy advice for President Obama, how entrepreneurs are slowly revitalizing North Korea, a look at what makes a millionaire in the United States, and a dizzying visit to the window washers who clean the nation's highest buildings.

By David T. Cook,?Staff writer / February 21, 2013

Private access gates surround multimillion- dollar homes in Dana Point, Calif.

Reed Saxon/AP/File


US presidents traditionally turn to foreign policy in their second terms. The executive branch operates with greater freedom in the international realm than in domestic policy, and world affairs are an appealing arena in which to cement a presidential legacy.

Skip to next paragraph David T. Cook

Senior Editor and Washington Bureau Chief

Cook is senior editor and Washington bureau chief of The Christian Science Monitor and host of the Monitor's newsmaker breakfasts.

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The January/February issue of Foreign Policy magazine observes tongue in cheek that the paper required to print all of the white papers and op-eds urging President Obama to take various actions on the international scene ?would probably require chopping down the Amazon rain forest.?

The magazine counters with 10 tightly written essays on what Foreign Policy editor Susan Glasser calls ?ideas for what Obama could really accomplish in these next four years to make the world a better place ? concrete, achievable goals that, for the most part, wouldn?t even require the cooperation of Congress.?

Among the recommended actions: having Mr. Obama send the Senate the 1997 treaty on banning land mines (as 161 countries have already done); taking a tougher stance toward allies ? like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain ? with less-than-stellar human rights records; and working with Russia to reduce the hair-trigger, launch-ready alert status on both nations? nuclear-tipped missiles.

Capitalism and North Korea?s leaders

With North Korean leader Kim Jong-un having just overseen his nation?s third nuclear weapons test, The Economist magazine?s Feb. 9 cover story takes a very timely look at how ?capitalism is seeping through the bamboo curtain? with consequences the despotic Mr. Kim may not be able to control.

The North Korean famine of the 1990s, which killed up to 1 million people, triggered a breakdown in the government?s control over food distribution. So individual entrepreneurs began selling food grown in family plots. That market impulse has grown. ?It has become clear that other merchants today operate on a far more ambitious scale, exporting raw materials to China and bringing back consumer goods,? the Economist reports. So, the magazine says, money talks in today?s North Korea in ways that have a variety of destabilizing consequences.

For example, traders bring in computers, radios, and mobile phones, which diminish the Kim regime?s control of information. That allows some North Koreans to have a more acute sense of how impoverished their lives are compared with those of citizens of neighboring South Korea.

The role of the sexes has changed as women, who run some black markets, have become the breadwinners in their families. And there is a widening gap between the lives of market-involved elites centered in Pyongyang and the lives of the chronically underfed rest of the country.

Who are the millionaires?

The debate over how to reform the US tax code will be one of the top political stories of 2013. Whether America?s richest individuals are paying their fair share will be a key aspect of the debate. So it is useful to get a clearer picture of the financially fortunate.

?[T]he common conception of millionaires, on whom so much of the nation?s long-term fiscal viability depends, is largely a caricature,? writes Graeme Wood in the conservative National Review.

The first step in understanding millionaires, Mr. Wood writes, is a matter of definition. One group of millionaires are those who have assets like homes, savings accounts, and pensions that are worth a million dollars. ?The majority are working people,? Wood writes, and some 5.26 million households meet that definition.
The second group of millionaires consists of those who earn a million dollars or more a year. This much more rarefied group includes fewer than half a million households a year. Wood notes that many in this group are ?lucky one-timers,? folks who won the lottery or inherited from wealthy parents.

Only the 200,000 households with $20 million or more in assets have ?the financial equivalent of a perpetual-motion machine, capable of spontaneously replenishing itself and fairly reliably producing large amounts of money for its fortunate owner,? Wood says.

The window washers? life at the top

The New Yorker provides a vicarious glimpse into the dangerous, silent, and exhilarating world of skyscraper window washers for readers whose own jobs may offer less excitement.

The advent of computer design software made it practical for architects to create buildings with a different window configuration on every floor, ?turning Manhattan into a crystal garden of geometric forms and irregular shapes,? writes Adam Higginbotham. At the same time, the work of men with buckets and squeegees has remained just outside the reach of automation.

Thus it is that window washers still have to step out onto an 18-inch-wide walkway outside the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building.
When Mr. Higginbotham joined a window washer there, briefly, he writes, ?I sank to my knees in what may have resembled an attitude of pure terror.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/VFwXX_bn08w/Good-Reads-Ideas-for-Obama-the-creep-of-capitalism-millionaire-count-work-at-the-top

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Teen charged in Ohio school shooting pleads guilty

T. J. Lane listens during court proceedings in Geauga County Common Pleas Court Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school, pleaded guilty Tuesday to three counts of aggravated murder and other charges. Lane, now 18, also pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a single count of felonious assault. Prosecutors agreed to drop the death-penalty specifications from the aggravated murder counts.(AP (Photo/Marvin Fong, Pool)

T. J. Lane listens during court proceedings in Geauga County Common Pleas Court Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school, pleaded guilty Tuesday to three counts of aggravated murder and other charges. Lane, now 18, also pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a single count of felonious assault. Prosecutors agreed to drop the death-penalty specifications from the aggravated murder counts.(AP (Photo/Marvin Fong, Pool)

T. J. Lane looks up during court proceedings at the Geauga County Common Pleas Court Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school pleaded guilty Tuesday to three counts of aggravated murder and other charges. Lane, now 18, also pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a single count of felonious assault. Prosecutors agreed to drop the death-penalty specifications from the aggravated murder counts. (AP Photo/The Plain Dealer, Marvin Fong, Pool)

T. J. Lane listens during court proceedings at the Geauga County Common Pleas Court Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school pleaded guilty Tuesday to three counts of aggravated murder and other charges. Lane, now 18, also pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a single count of felonious assault. Prosecutors agreed to drop the death-penalty specifications from the aggravated murder counts.(AP (Photo/Marvin Fong, Pool)

T.J. Lane is escorted into the Geauga county courthouse Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, 18, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school a year ago, will enter a guilty plea during a court hearing later Tuesday morning, said attorney Ian Friedman. Lane's appearance in the courtroom comes one day before the anniversary of the deadly shootings at Chardon High School, east of Cleveland. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

T.J. Lane is escorted into the Geauga county courthouse Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Chardon, Ohio. Lane, 18, charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school a year ago, will enter a guilty plea during a court hearing later Tuesday morning, said attorney Ian Friedman. Lane's appearance in the courtroom comes one day before the anniversary of the deadly shootings at Chardon High School, east of Cleveland. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

(AP) ? A teenager charged with killing three students at an Ohio high school pleaded guilty to all charges Tuesday, the eve of the first anniversary of the shooting rampage.

T.J. Lane, now 18, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a single count of felonious assault.

The Wednesday anniversary of the attacks at Chardon High School comes after a year of mass shootings, including one that left dead 20 first-graders and six educators in Newtown, Conn., and another that claimed 12 lives at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater.

The anniversary in Chardon, a tight-knit courthouse community east of Cleveland, will be marked with a memorial walk and service activities at the school.

Lane, dressed in a green open-collar shirt and dark slacks with his once-shaggy hair buzzed short, held his head up without emotion Tuesday as he repeatedly said, "Yes, your honor," to questions posed to him by the judge.

He could face life in prison. Judge David Fuhry scheduled sentencing for March 19.

Lane wasn't subject to the death penalty because he was 17 at the time of the crimes.

Geauga County Prosecutor James Flaiz said the plea provided the same outcome that he wanted from a trial. Families of the victims agreed that Lane should face life in prison, he said.

Flaiz said he was prepared to present a motive at trial but declined to specify it.

Two wounded survivors and parents of most of the victims watched Lane's plea.

Bob Parmertor, father of Danny Parmertor, 16, who was killed, said after the plea that he felt justice would be done if Lane "will never see daylight again" outside prison. "We're just very glad it's not going to trial," he said.

Lane's grandmother, weeping quietly, sat arm's length from Nick Walczak, who was rolled into court in a wheelchair. Walczak, who was crippled in the attack, shifted his eyes to Lane as the attempted aggravated murder charge detailing his case was read by the judge.

Lane was determined to take responsibility, his attorney said after the court session.

"T.J.'s plea of guilty is a complete admission to each and every element of each and every charge, every crime," defense attorney Ian Friedman said.

"It is hoped that the decision will bring closure to what has been a tragic year for the victims, their families and loved ones, T.J.'s family and the entire community both near and far."

Prosecutors say Lane fired 10 shots at students in a cafeteria at Chardon High School, east of Cleveland. He was there waiting for a bus to another school.

Lane, who was 17 at the time of the shooting, was prosecuted as an adult. Minutes before his guilty plea, the judge accepted a report finding Lane mentally competent to stand trial.

Both the defense and the prosecution had sought court-ordered psychiatric testing for Lane to determine if he would be competent to stand trial.

Before the case went to adult court last year, a juvenile court judge ruled that Lane was mentally competent despite evidence he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies. He withdrew his plea of not guilty by reason of insanity on Tuesday.

Investigators say he admitted shooting at students but said he didn't know why he did it. Prosecutors say Lane took a .22-caliber pistol and a knife to the school on Feb. 27, 2012, and fired 10 shots at a group of students in the cafeteria.

Lane attended an alternative school for students who haven't done well in traditional schools. He was at Chardon waiting for a bus.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2013-02-26-School%20Shooting-Ohio/id-6e8089890a524ab3b8cf71b65931873a

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Leatherback sea turtle could be extinct within 20 years at last stronghold in the Pacific Ocean

Feb. 26, 2013 ? An international team led by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has documented a 78 percent decline in the number of nests of the critically endangered leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) at the turtle's last stronghold in the Pacific Ocean.

The study, published online Feb. 26 in the Ecological Society of America's scientific online journal Ecosphere, reveals leatherback nests at Jamursba Medi Beach in Papua Barat, Indonesia -- which accounts for 75 percent of the total leatherback nesting in the western Pacific -- have fallen from a peak of 14,455 in 1984 to a low of 1,532 in 2011. Less than 500 leatherbacks now nest at this site annually.

Thane Wibbels, Ph.D., a professor of reproductive biology at UAB and member of a research team that includes scientists from State University of Papua (UNIPA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia, says the largest marine turtle in the world could soon vanish.

"If the decline continues, within 20 years it will be difficult if not impossible for the leatherback to avoid extinction," said Wibbels, who has studied marine turtles since 1980. "That means the number of turtles would be so low that the species could not make a comeback.

"The leatherback is one of the most intriguing animals in nature, and we are watching it head towards extinction in front of our eyes," added Wibbels.

Leatherback turtles can grow to six feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds. They are able to dive to depths of nearly 4,000 feet and can make trans-Pacific migrations from Indonesia to the U.S. Pacific coast and back again.

While it is hard to imagine that a turtle so large and so durable can be on the verge of extinction, Ricardo Tapilatu, the research team's lead scientist who is a Ph.D. student and Fulbright Scholar in the UAB Department of Biology, points to the leatherback's trans-Pacific migration, where they face the prevalent danger of being caught and killed in fisheries.

"They can migrate more than 7,000 miles and travel through the territory of at least 20 countries, so this is a complex international problem," Tapilatu said. "It is extremely difficult to comprehensively enforce fishing regulations throughout the Pacific."

The team, along with paper co-author Peter Dutton, Ph.D., discovered thousands of nests laid during the boreal winter just a few kilometers away from the known nesting sites, but their excitement was short-lived.

"We were optimistic for this population when year round nesting was discovered in Wermon Beach, but we now have found out that nesting on that beach appears to be declining at a similar rate as Jamursba Medi," said Dutton, head of the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center's Marine Turtle Genetics Program.

The study has used year-round surveys of leatherback turtle nesting areas since 2005, and it is the most extensive research on the species to date. The team identified four major problems facing leatherback turtles: nesting beach predators, such as pigs and dogs that were introduced to the island and eat the turtle eggs; rising sand temperatures that can kill the eggs or prevent the production of male hatchlings; the danger of being caught by fisheries during migrations; and harvesting of adults and eggs for food by islanders.

Tapilatu, a native of western Papua, Indonesia, has studied leatherback turtles and worked on their conservation since 2004. His efforts have been recognized by NOAA, and he will head the leatherback conservation program in Indonesia once he earns his doctorate from UAB and returns to Papua.

He has worked to educate locals and limit the harvesting of adults and eggs. His primary focus today is protecting the nesting females, eggs and hatchlings. A leatherback lays up to 10 nests each season, more than any other turtle species. Tapilatu is designing ways to optimize egg survival and hatchling production by limiting their exposure to predators and heat through an extensive beach management program.

"If we relocate the nests from the warmest portion of the beach to our egg hatcheries, and build shades for nests in other warm areas, then we will increase hatching success to 80 percent or more," said Tapilatu.

"The international effort has attempted to develop a science-based nesting beach management plan by evaluating and addressing the factors that affect hatching success such as high sand temperatures, erosion, feral pig predation and relocating nests to maximize hatchling output," said Manjula Tiwari, a researcher at NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, Calif.

Wibbels, who is also the Ph.D. advisor for Tapilatu, says that optimizing hatchling production is a key component to leatherback survival, especially considering the limited number of hatchlings who survive to adulthood.

"Only one hatchling out of 1,000 makes it to adulthood, so taking out an adult makes a significant difference on the population," Wibbels said. "It is essentially the same as killing 1,000 hatchlings."

The research team believes that beach management will help to decrease the annual decline in the number of leatherback nests, but protection of the leatherbacks in waters throughout the Pacific is a prerequisite for their survival and recovery. Despite their prediction for leatherback extinction, the scientists are hopeful this species could begin rebounding over the next 20 years if effective management strategies are implemented.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alabama at Birmingham. The original article was written by Kevin Storr.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Ricardo F. Tapilatu, Peter H. Dutton, Manjula Tiwari, Thane Wibbels, Hadi V. Ferdinandus, William G. Iwanggin, Barakhiel H. Nugroho. Long-term decline of the western Pacific leatherback,Dermochelys coriacea: a globally important sea turtle population. Ecosphere, 2013; 4 (2): art25 DOI: 10.1890/ES12-00348.1

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/-2zDZ55IC1Y/130226141233.htm

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Putting malaria on the SHELPH

Monday, February 25, 2013

Experts have disabled a unique member of the signalling proteins which are essential for the development of the malaria parasite. They have produced a mutant lacking the ancient bacterial Shewanella-like protein phosphatase known as SHLP1 (pronounced shelph). This mutant is unable to complete its complex life cycle and is arrested in its development in the mosquito. The discovery could help in the design of new drugs to arrest the spread of this killer disease.

SHLP1is critical to the cellular development of the malaria parasite. It can be found at every stage in the lifecycle of the malaria parasite and for the first time experts led by The University of Nottingham have analysed their biological function.

Dr Rita Tewari and her team in the Centre for Genetics and Genomics in the School of Biology have spent three years studying the phosphatase proteins that are important building blocks in the life cycle of the malaria parasite. The findings of their latest study are published today, 21 February 2013, in the academic journal Cell Reports.

Dr Tewari said: "SHLP1 is absent in humans and can be explored as an excellent target for malaria transmission control. Prevention of malaria transmission to and from the mosquito is vital in order to stop the devastating spread of malaria. Targeting SHLP1 could be an important step to achieve this goal."

Although great strides have been made in reducing the number of deaths from malaria, half the world's population remains at risk from the disease. In 2010 90 per cent of all malaria deaths occurred in Africa ? mostly among children under the age of five.

Dr Tewari's latest research has focused on the ancient bacterial Shewanella-like protein phosphatase (SHLP1) which is found only in bacteria, fungi, protists (organisms which paved the way for the evolution of early plants, animals and fungi) and plants.

The researchers, funded by the MRC and the Wellcome Trust, have discovered how SHLP1 controls development of the parasite at an essential stage of its life cycle. The parasite must move between human and mosquito in its quest to spread the disease. It does this every time the mosquito bites. Removing this enzyme causes defects in structures vital for invading the mosquito gut ? effectively stopping the mosquito from passing the disease on to another victim.


University of Nottingham: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk

Thanks to University of Nottingham for this article.

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This press release has been viewed 43 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/127005/Putting_malaria_on_the_SHELPH

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Ryan Gosling Gets Tickled & Embarrassed Over Dish Towel (VIDEO)

Ryan Gosling Gets Tickled & Embarrassed Over Dish Towel (VIDEO)

Ryan Gosling loves Stupid Celebrities Gossip...Awww!Ryan Gosling, could you be any more adorable? The actor was busy promoting his latest film “Gangster Squad”, when an interviewer showed him a dish towel with his face on it that throws him into a giggle fit. A New Zealand-made dish towel had actor Ryan Gosling nearly in tears during an interview. The actor ...

Ryan Gosling Gets Tickled & Embarrassed Over Dish Towel (VIDEO) Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News

Source: http://stupidcelebrities.net/2013/02/ryan-gosling-gets-tickled-embarrassed-over-dish-towel-video/

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OPTiM's Optia Android screensharing and remote control app hands-on

OPTiM's Optia Android screensharing handson

For anybody who has had to support a friend or loved one through an emotional cellphone crisis, rejoice: your savior in the form of OPTiM's Optia smartphone-to-smartphone remote control has arrived. The premise here is that using a friend based system with invites users can add contacts to the app -- think parents, grandparents -- on their Android handset then simply ask for help or offer to help that friend. The recipient clicks yes, and the remote control session begins.

OPTiM's man at the booth, Taiga, took us through the entire process from adding somebody to your set then connecting and finally controlling the phone. The entire ordeal was fairly quick and smooth considering the congestion of the halls here at Mobile World Congress. We'd bet over WiFi or even LTE the experience would be nothing but smoother. Control of the session gives the helper completes access including home button, back, settings and so forth. Scrolling across screens and apps works exactly as it would on your own device, albeit slower -- but even on a poor cellular connection performance is very good. This is a must have app for anybody that regularly helps others or needs help themselves. The best bit? It is currently completely $free on the Play store. Video tour of it all in action is just below the break.

Filed under: ,


Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/25/optims-optia-android-screensharing-hands-on/

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Purchasing a family members home for what they owe - Zillow Real ...

I am interested in purchasing my mother's home for the amount she owes on the mortgage (~20k). The house would only sell at max 30k in the Indiana market and is valued probably no more than 45k for tax purposes.
We want to buy the house using cash that we have saved up so that we would own the property completely and rent it out. (We already own a primary house w/mortgage)
We have looked at the possibility of quitclaim deeds and have also thought of gifting her the 20k to pay off the mortgage herself. We want to ensure that she uses the cash to pay off the debt to the house. (She is enthusiastic about selling the property but is kind of a nitwit when it comes to financial transactions...sorry mom!)
?Since the property is so cheap we want to avoid fees that would be a percentage of the overall price. Any thoughts on a method that would be simple for her yet legally sound for us? We don't want to make the IRS or the state of Indiana mad at us!;)

Source: http://www.zillow.com/advice-thread/Purchasing-a-family-members-home-for-what-they-owe/480015/

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iMore show 338: Pre-post-PC

Rene and David Chartier talk about Google getting into premium hardware with Glass and Pixel, much as Apple has moved into services with iCloud. Also, the case for user-defined default apps, and wether multitasking matters on the iPad.

Show notes




You can reach all of us on Twitter @iMore, or you can email us at podcast@imore.com or just leave us a comment below.

For all our podcasts -- audio and video -- including the iMore show, ZEN and TECH, Iterate, Debug, Ad hoc, and more, see MobileNations.com/shows

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/abWOKi_yT38/story01.htm

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Samsung takes on iPad Mini with Galaxy Note 8.0

(AP) Samsung Electronics is beefing up its tablet range with a competitor to Apple's iPad Mini that sports a pen for writing on the screen.

The Galaxy Note 8.0 will have an 8-inch screen, putting it very close in size to the Apple's tablet, which launched in November with a 7.9-inch screen. It's not the first time Samsung has made a tablet that's in the Mini's size range: it's very first iPad competitor had a 7-inch screen, and it still makes a tablet of that size, but without a pen.

The Korean company will start selling the new tablet during the second quarter, between April and June, at an as yet undetermined price.

Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Source: http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/ap/2013/02/23/Samsung_takes_on_iPad_Mini_with_Galaxy_Note_8_0/?cid=rss

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Oxford students to vote on Israel boycott

Local student union gears for vote on possible ban of Israeli companies; supporters say they're being threatened. Opponents say boycott goes against everything university stands for


Students at Britain's prestigious Oxford University are set to hold a controversial vote this week as the Students Union (OUSU) stands to make its final decision on whether to boycott Israeli companies and products.


The vote, which is scheduled for Wednesday, follows a tumultuous week, brought about by anti-Israeli MP George Galloway's hurried and highly criticized exit of a debate on Israel, after discovering that his opponent was an Israeli citizen.


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"I don't recognize Israel and I don't debate with Israelis," Galloway said, to gasps of shock and mutters of "racism."


According to The Guardian, the boycott motion calls on Oxford students to join the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement "in protest of Israel's treatment of Palestinians and its hindrance of attempts to create a Palestinian state." ?



According to the report, both the motion's promoter and the person who seconded it have received threatening emails, prompting the latter to withdrawn his support and the former to ask that her name not be publicized.


The BDS movement urges a boycott of Israeli exports as well as any firms ? British and international ? that do business in or with Israel.


Some BDS supporters have also disrupted cultural events involving Israeli performers.


Last week, the Oxford Student Union gave its colleges two additional weeks to debate the issue, after most failed to come to a decision.


Henry Watson of Magdalen College told the Guardian that "People thought it was a question of supporting Israel or Palestine or supporting peace. The boycott goes against everything the university stands for.


"The idea that we are not going to read your books or articles or hear your arguments on the basis of your nationality is ridiculous."


Magdalen College voted 39-3 against the motion, Watson said.



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Source: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4348525,00.html

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OPINION: McKay: Hail to the Humanities | UWIRE

Posted on25 February 2013.

As a first-year student, I have not officially declared my major, but I have certainly declared it to myself, countless times. One day I am an English major and another I am government. One week I want to be an economics minor, while the next I am looking toward women?s and gender studies. I have plenty of time to explore my interests, yet I spend a large portion of time stressing about it nonetheless.

Whenever I turn to friends or family for advice, the most common suggestion is for me to major in something ?useful.? I have been told repeatedly that humanities majors are a waste of time. Instead, I should be doing math, science or economics. While people have differing views on what exactly is useful, most argue that humanities subjects are generally impractical pursuits.

Students feel a distinct pressure to tailor their course of study to fields most likely to result in employment. They consider engineering, for example, a pragmatic field because the skill set is more likely to help them find a job, while they consider a field like women?s and gender studies less legitimate because there are not as many jobs specifically for these students. If I even mention the fact that I am interested in the latter, people either make jokes or recommend that I just take a few courses. When I asked a friend who is interested in Spanish why she does not want to major in it, she responded, ?I want a job.? Students genuinely believe that unless they abandon their passions for ?useful? pursuits, they will end up wasting four years of an Ivy League education on a jobless future.

People joke about the starving humanities major, unemployed and hopeless post-graduation. Students talk about taking a humanities class for an ?easy A? and humanities courses often find their way onto layup lists each term. Fields like art history and English often carry the stigma of being somehow less legitimate than their counterparts, such as math and science. But while humanities courses generally have significantly higher median grades than many in the sciences, this does not immediately invalidate any success in the humanities.

Why are the humanities deemed useless? I have taken courses in English, art history and women?s and gender studies, and I found that these demanded more of me than my other, more ?practical? classes. Humanities develops the skill sets necessary for success beyond Dartmouth. I learned to observe, analyze, think critically and write. Each of these skills allows one to develop into an effective and productive worker and prepares one for real-world tasks.

In fact, humanities prepare students for an additional requirement of the work force: creativity. Success in any field requires ingenuity and originality of thought. Humanities courses prepare students to assess existing arguments and push theirs one step further. Students develop the natural curiosity necessary to ask the right questions as well as the analytical and creative skills required to solve them.

Dartmouth considers itself a liberal arts college, yet there is a stigma within the student body against anyone who is too involved in the liberal arts. Students feel pressure to abandon their passions altogether or add minors or double majors that will allow them to be more ?useful? in the work force. Many students perceive those interested in humanities fields as less intelligent than those interested in physics or calculus. Even during orientation, when students were required to attend lectures, the majority of the lectures focused on medicine and science, while the remaining ones were very broad. No lecture focuses specifically on students looking to pursue humanities.

Humanities courses are deemed less ?serious? than courses in math and sciences, which unfortunately deters many students from getting the most out of their liberal arts education. The distributive requirements in place certainly encourage students to take courses outside of their comfort zone, but they do not prevent students from stigmatizing those who actually enjoy earning their distributive requirement for literature or art. If you are interested in the humanities, you should not cave to pressure from others. Instead, follow your own desires.

Source: http://uwire.com/2013/02/25/opinion-mckay-hail-to-the-humanities/

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South Africa complete whitewash against Pakistan

Pak Vs SA 3rd Test 2013

Sports, Cricket News ? South Africa crushed Pakistan by an innings and 18 runs and completed the clean sweep on day three of the third test at Centurion on Sunday.

Pakistan could make 235 runs in the second innings.

Starting the day on 14 for one, Pakistan showed some fighting spirit losing only Younus Khan (11), who played a thick edge off Dale Steyn to Graeme Smith at first slip, in the morning session.

Azhar Ali (27) and Imran Farhat put on 54 for the third wicket before the former ran himself out in calamitous fashion.

Farhat worked the ball to fine leg and after running one, Ali turned for a second at the wicketkeeper?s end. He was always struggling against the bullet throw of Steyn from the boundary and in the end was well short.
Pakistan lost two more wickets with the score on 107 as they began to implode.

Kyle Abbott picked up his eighth wicket of the match when Farhat (43) slashed at a wide delivery and was caught by wicketkeeper AB de Villiers.

Captain Misbah-ul-Haq (5) then became Rory Kleinveldt?s first wicket of the game when he got a thin edge to a ball. Kleinveldt soon took a second when Asad Shafiq (6) scooped a delivery to Vernon Philander at mid-off.

South Africa made 409 in their first innings.

They won the first test in Johannesburg by 211 runs followed by a four-wicket victory in Cape Town. Agencies

Source: http://www.epakistannews.com/50786/south-africa-complete-whitewash-against-pakistan.html

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Stretches that Make you Look and Feel Taller

Feb 24, 2013 9:11am

Katie?s Take

?Sit up straight!? ?A meme that is easier said than done! But the benefits of straightening up can have a lasting effect on our bodies and minds.

Katie Couric sat down with Tara Stiles, named ?Yoga Rebel? by the New York Times and owner of Strala Yoga, to talk about how simple stretches can help our bodies, minds and make us feel and look taller.

Yoga, an exercise that allows increased blood flow through stretching and deep breathing, has been practiced for over 5000 years and practiced by 11 million Americans. Yoga isn?t just for the contortionists; according to Stiles all it requires is deep breathing.

By taking in large breaths, tension in our muscles is released which Stiles says helps aids in overall health from in the inside out. She calls yoga a ?massage for our organs? that encourages us to live a healthier and happier lifestyle while increasing our flexibility and strengthening our muscles.

And the great thing is, you don?t have to seek out a yoga studio to take advantage of the benefits. Stiles showed Katie?s some simple stretches that people can do while sitting at their desks or even watching TV.? By taking a few minutes to stretch throughout the day, you can release tension in your body and lengthen your muscles so you can look and feel taller. So straighten up and take a deep breath, you will feel and see a difference immediately.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013/02/24/124049/

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London restaurants, hotels bracing for business boost from World Figure Skating Championships

The World Figure Skating Championships are still a couple of weeks away but the big winners have already been declared - London's hotels and restaurants.

Tourism London general manager John Winston says virtually every hotel room in the city is booked for March 11-17 and a quick survey proved him right.

The Delta London Armouries and the Hilton London are serving as host hotels and have been booked up for almost a year with a large block of rooms reserved by the organizers of the championships.

The event is expected to draw about 35,000 visitors, including about 170 athletes, 200 reporters and more than 150 broadcast technicians. Hotels along Wellington Rd. such as the Four Points Sheraton, the Lamplighter Best Western and Courtyard London have a few rooms left on specific nights but are mostly booked solid for the week of March 11-17.

The business has already starting to spill outside the city. Customers calling London hotels looking for rooms are being referred to out-of town hotels such as the Quality Inn in Woodstock. Staff there say they have set aside a block of rooms for the tournament.

Kristen Magrath of the Delta Armouries said London has not seen anything like it since the London Knights hosted and won the 2005 Memorial Cup.

?It will be just as crazy but it's going to be bigger, - the biggest event we've seen so far? said Magrath.

She said the bonus is that March is traditionally a slow month for the hospitality business.

?It's going to be really good for the city and the economy,? said Magrath.

Restauranteurs, especially those close to Budweiser Gardens, are bracing for a busy week.

Joe Duby of the Blu Duby restaurant already has a couple of large-group reservations for the week and is expecting to serve 400-500 meals daily in the 126 seat establishment.

Duby said he will be using a spotter to sound the alert when fans start spilling out of Budweiser Gardens after an event

?We will get the bread, water and menus on the table to make it as efficient as possible.?

Some of his customers who live downtown have also managed to cash in.

One couple told him they will be on vacation that week and have rented out their two-bedroom condo for $4,000, a sum that will nicely pay for their vacation.

Scott Sanderson, the head chef at La Casa Ristorante on King St., said one of the regular customers has already booked his favourite table for the whole week of the championships.

?He said keep it open, I'll be there for lunch and dinner.?

Sanderson said he expects to be ?crazy busy? during the entire week.

?We are expecting long hours and no sleep,? said Sanderson.




Source: http://www.lfpress.com/2013/02/23/london-restaurants-hotels-bracing-for-business-boost-when-world-figure-skating-championships-come-to-town

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Golf "well placed to grow" in Europe despite decrease in economical worth

By James Crook

153119853February 23 - Golf is worth ?15.1 billion (?13.2 billion/$20.2 billion) to the European economy, a decrease of ??300 million (?260 million/$400 million) from 2006, but is still "well placed to grow" according to a report by Sports Marketing Surveys (SMS) and the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA).

The value of the game in Great Britain and Ireland represents 41 per cent of this figure- worth ?6.1 billion (?5.3 billion/$8.1 billion) according to the report.

The report also claims that across the 27 European Union nations, plus Norway and Switzerland, the sport provides 180,000 jobs and accounts for over ?4 billion (?3.5 billion/$5 billion) in employee wages.

It goes on to suggest that the decrease in the sports value to the European economy is due to the ongoing worldwide financial crisis.

"The fall is due to there being less money around and to the need, therefore, for competitive pricing," reads the report.

"Therefore, with the economic impact not massively reduced and player numbers up, the game of golf is well placed to grow when European economic performance improves in the years ahead."

The report also identifies the potential for growth by expanding the sport to the female market, as the sport is currently heavily male-dominated- for example, in Great Britain and Ireland, 75 per cent of golfers are male, 14.5 per cent are female and 10.3 per cent are juniors, which is the highest rate of young players in Europe, and is also higher than the rate in the United States and Australia.

153122845European golf is 'well place to grow' according to a report by the PGA and SMS

'"The game continues to be heavily male dominated, even at junior level," says the report.

"This is particularly true in Great Britain and Ireland.

"Plainly if the game of golf in Great Britain and Ireland,? and in other heavily male dominated markets, could be made more attractive to women without being made less attractive to men; the potential for growth is enormous.

"There are, of course, a number of initiatives currently underway looking to achieve this and there may well be further lessons that can be learned here from the countries that have a more even gender split among golfers."

PGA chief executive Sandy Jones commented on the report, saying: "Golf plays a significant role both in its economic impact and also in delivering social, behavioural and sporting benefits with the PGA professional firmly at the centre of the golf industry.

"In addition golf is also a huge contributor to charitable causes in Europe and last year generated more than ?85 million (?74 millilon/$112 million) supporting a range of good causes."

The full report can be found?here

Contact the writer of this story at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Source: http://www.insidethegames.biz/sports/summer/golf/1012994-golf-well-placed-to-grow-in-europe-despite-decrease-in-economical-worth

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French actor Depardieu gets Russian home address

MOSCOW (AP) ? French actor Gerard Depardieu got a new permanent address in Russia ? 1 Democracy Street ? on Saturday, adding a final touch to his quest to get Russian citizenship.

After receiving his Russian passport from President Vladimir Putin last month, Depardieu had it stamped with the new address in Saransk, a city of 300,000 about 640 kilometers (400 miles) east of Moscow.

The actor has been at the center of a heated debate over tax exiles as France's Socialist government proposes a hefty tax on the rich, but he has denied that he accepted the passport to escape the taxman.

Saransk is the provincial capital of the Mordovia region, home to a sprawling web of Soviet-era prison camps, where one of the members of the Pussy Riot band is serving her two-year sentence for an irreverent "punk prayer" against Putin.

He said at the ceremony that he appreciated the symbolism of his new address.

"I want to be an ambassador of democracy to the world," he said, according to Russia Today television, which quoted him as saying that "Russia is a country with a great democracy."

Saransk has otherwise mostly retained Soviet-era street names. Democracy Street is surrounded by Proletariat, Communist, Soviet and Bolshevik streets.

Depardieu, who has starred in films such as "Green Card" and "Cyrano de Bergerac," enjoys broad popularity in Russia and received an enthusiastic welcome in the city. Showing off his knowledge of local history, Depardieu likened himself to Yemelyan Pugachev, the chief of a peasant rebellion in the 18th century.

"Yemelyan Pugachev was a peasant tsar who came to Kazan and to Saransk," Depardieu said, according to Russia Today. "I am like Pugachev: I am a peasant, and I want to be tsar of Saransk."

Depardieu was registered at an apartment belonging to the relatives of his Russian friend, the head of the Gosfilmofond state film archive, Nikola Bordachev. It is not clear if Depardieu will actually live in the apartment, and he has no requirement to spend any particular amount of time there ? though he promised to visit the city often.

Depardieu's decision to accept citizenship has earned sarcastic comments from Putin's critics, who say the actor is a tool of Kremlin spin.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/french-actor-depardieu-gets-russian-home-address-161033705.html

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